
What meaning does marriage have for me? 
Marriage to me is a sacred unity between two people who love each other and put God first in all they do together. It means that I'm not alone. It means that I have someone to share my goals, hopes and dreams with for all the days of my life here on earth.  It means "us" and not all about "me" or "you".  It means honesty, trust and togetherness. It means supporting your partner in our differences and similarities of activities and events. It means giving of oneself to the other person in sorrow and joy, pain and pleasure, sickness and health, and struggles and success. Most importantly, it mean bringing children into this world together, raising them, teaching them, and leading them along life's journey into adulthood. Marriage to me means that I chose to bond myself to my spouse and choose to spend my life with him now and for always as we joined together by proper authority to seal our marriage in the temple of God.                                                        

What does it represent? 
It represents my willingness and desire to obey all of God’s commandments in bringing children into this world and to raise them in a loving family that puts Jesus Christ as head of our household. I know and believe that our complete faith in Christ, as we work daily to nurture and tend to our marriage, will be a great tool as a shield against the storms that comes along. My own marriage was not all sunshine. There were lots of ups and downs and each time we learned to make things right and repent, we learned to hold on tight and are aware of what changes we need, to improve and strengthen our marriage. As each roadblock comes along, we turn to Heavenly Father for His help. With His blessings, we can keep going and keep fighting against the adversary’s destructive influences.                                                     
What meaning does marriage have within your family? 
Marriage within my own family is different for each of my siblings. Two of my sisters are divorced and two are widows. I have been married to my husband for 25 years. Marriage is important and it is a symbol of wholesomeness in our home. Marriage completes the family.                  

In what way has your family influenced your views about marriage? A marriage is what makes a home unified. Marriage is sacred and worth fighting for and no matter what, we need to nurture it daily and water it often so that it will grow and progress.                          

How do you think your views about marriage will affect your own marriage? 
Growing up I was raised by my third oldest sister. Her married life was a struggle with lots of trials that ended in divorced. However, my adopted parents who took me in, had a solid marriage and were good examples to me. He was kind and loving to his wife, he took care of her needs and she took care of his. They always went places and did things together. It was from their examples where I was taught that marriage is important and that it is what I want in my own life. 

Living in different homes and families throughout my teenage years, I know that not all marriages are the same and to remember to hold on to those ideas that makes a marriage work.  The first eight years of life I grew up in a Buddhist religion where marriage at a young age is okay, and at age 19 I was considered an old maid. However, marriage is important in the Buddhist religion especially for bringing children into this world. If you have kids outside of marriage, you are considered an outcast and are frowned upon. For example, my fourth oldest sister left home at age 17 and eloped with her boyfriend. When the Cambodian people saw this, they assumed that I was the same and that I would follow in my sister’s footsteps.  The older ladies in the Khmer community would come up to me at age 14 and say the most horrible things to me that to this day I will never forget. They said I would end up being just like my sister. I have a peaceful character so I did not respond to their negative and unkind words with anger but with a sincere sad countenance and walked away from them very hurt and crushed. In my heart, I knew that marriage is important for rearing children.  And with that thought, I focus on positive ideas and ways to achieve that goal when I get married. 

Marriage is not perfect and it takes lots of work.  It is bound to break if not carefully nurtured. It doesn’t matter how or where you are married that insures it lasts. I know for sure that in my own marriage, if we are truly living all of God’s commandments, we can and will have His help to keep it safely secure.


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